- Having the right company goals and values can inspire you, help you attract and retain the right employees and bring in more business. It can also seriously boost your profitability. Having the wrongs ones… well, have you ever wondered why more than 55% of new businesses fail in their first 5 years?
- There is an exact formula for business expansion. You can learn how to grow your business in any economy or you can sit idly by while your competition blows you away. Intelligent promotion, good management, sensible economy – it’s a formula for smooth and stable growth.
- Trace back the problems that account for most of your time and headaches and you’ll see that it always leads back to “people”. Not having enough, hiring the wrong ones, mistakes, theft, troublemakers… the list goes on. Discover how to hire, train and manage the right people to make them your most valuable asset – not a liability.
- Still trying to do it all yourself? Less than 20% of what you’re doing will have any real impact on your business success. How do you focus on the critical actions that can make or break your business? Find out what’s important and learn how to delegate, outsource, automate or eliminate the rest.